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  • 6/20/2013

How to Get Rid Of Canker Sores


canker sores

Canker sores, also known by the medical term aphthous ulcers, are open wounds inside your mouth that can form on your gums, cheeks and even on your tongue. These ulcers can pop up without warning and last on average for 5 to 10 days. The direct cause of canker sores continues to baffle scientists, but we do know that these ulcers are not contagious. While canker sores do not pose any immediate health threats they can create a great deal of discomfort and make eating and talking painful for several days.

What Causes Canker Sores?

While no one is completely sure what causes canker sores, those who have repeat occurrences of canker sores usually have an idea of what might have set the cycle into motion yet again. And because women seem to get canker sores more readily than men, it is assumed that it may have something to do with hormones, and stress.

Stress- stress is one factor that most canker sore sufferers would point toward. Another culprit may be certain foods, such as citrus foods. Pineapple, kiwi and strawberries can bring on a canker sore eruption. Foods that have hard edges are also on the hit list, as they can actually puncture the skin and give the ulcer a starting point.

Poor Nutrition – Not getting the right nutrients in your body has also been linked to a higher probability to developing a canker sore. Scientists have isolated the minerals B12, folic acid and iron as the nutrients which when missing can lead to the development of canker sores.

Other items that raise a red flag are toothpastes that have sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) in the ingredients. This is a foaming agent and is used in a variety of major toothpastes.

Home Remedies for Healing Canker Sores

1. Baking Soda

For treating canker sores, baking soda is a very good ingredient. Make a paste of baking soda by adding little amount of water and apply it to the affected area. At the same time, you can also add some baking soda to warm water and use this solution to rinse your mouth several times a day. Another mouth rinse can be made with salt, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. Use this solution to rinse your mouth four to five times a day. Within a day or two you will get relief from the pain and other symptoms associated with canker sores.

2. Salt Water

Salt water is another well-known treatment option for canker sores. Mix one tablespoon of salt in one glass of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth. After rinsing your mouth with the salt water, take small amount of salt and place it directly on the canker sore. This can cause some pain but it will speed up the healing process. This remedy will also disinfect your mouth and give you relief from the pain. For better result you must follow this remedy at regular intervals throughout the day.

3. Cayenne Pepper

Another good ingredient that can be used in the treatment of canker sore is cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper has capsaicin which can temporarily numb the nerves causing the pain and so it can give you quick relief from the pain. Take a small bit of cayenne pepper and apply it directly on the canker sore. It may cause some irritation in the beginning but it is highly effective when it comes to relieving the pain brought about by canker sores. At the same time you can try some candy having cayenne pepper to relieve canker sore pain.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties along with many curative powers that can help to ease the pain and get rid of canker sores completely. At the same time, aloe vera has antibacterial properties which can fasten up the healing process. Take out the juice from the inner portion of the aloe vera leaf and apply it directly over the canker sore. Do this several times a day. At the same time you can also rinse your mouth with fresh aloe vera juice three to four times a day. If fresh aloe vera juice is not available, then you can use the packaged version which is easily available in the market.

5. Sage

Sage is another ingredient that can be used in the treatment of canker sores. The calming property present in sage can give instant relief from the pain associated with canker sores. Add about three teaspoon of sage leaves to two glass of boiling water and allow it to steep for about fifteen minutes. Allow the solution to cool and then use it to rinse your mouth several times a day. Another option is to take sage leaves in powder form and then apply it directly onto the canker sore. Do this remedy several times a day for a few days until you completely get relief.

6. Ice

Ice will not make the canker sore disappear, but it will make you feel better. Take a small sized ice cube and apply it directly over the canker sore and allow it to dissolve slowly. This is an effective way to numb the nerves to get relief from the pain and inflammation. Another option is to take ice water and use it to rinse your mouth. If this remedy is followed soon after the development of canker sores, you will not have to suffer much from the pain and discomfort associated with canker sores.

7. Onion

The medicinal properties present in onion are also known to heal a canker sore fast. Take a small piece of raw onion and press it gently against the infected area for about five minutes so that the juice goes inside the canker sore. Do this three or four times a day. This will ease the pain and will also fasten up the healing process. For better result, use organic onion for the treatment of canker sores. Alternatively, you can take out the juice of an organic onion and apply it over the affected area.

8. Wet Tea Bag

A used tea bag can also be used in the treatment of a canker sore. Tea bag contains tannic acid, a kind of astringent which helps to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with canker sores. The tannic acid in tea also helps to fasten up the healing process. For the treatment of canker sores, you can use either black tea bag or green tea bag. After making a cup of tea, put the wet tea bag inside the refrigerator for few minutes. After some time take out the chilled wet tea bag and press it gently over the canker sore for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Follow this remedy two to three times a day and soon you will get rid of the canker sore.

9. Plum Juice

Plum juice also serves as an effective natural ingredient that can be used in the treatment of canker sores. You can use plum juice as a mouthwash. Take a small amount of the juice in the mouth and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it for several minutes. Follow this remedy three to four times a day. Another option to deal with deeper or painful canker sore is to soak a clean cotton ball in plum juice and then hold it against the affected area for a few minutes. Soon you will get relief from the pain and inflammation.

10. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains antiseptic as well as antibacterial compounds that are very effective skin disinfectant and hence it can be used in the treatment of canker sores. Depending on severity, mix five to ten percent of tea tree oil with one glass of water. Now use this solution to rinse your mouth to reduce the pain as well as to encourage the healing process. Use of tea tree oil also minimizes the risk of further occurrences of canker sores. Follow this remedy two to three times a day until the canker sore goes away.





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