• The ill-fated person
    • Imam Ali (A.S) wrote to Abu Mosa Ash’ari: Indeed, the ill-fated (person) is the one who is deprived (is not able to benefit) from ...
    • How to recognise the real followers of Ahl-ul- Bayt (A.S)?
    • It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (A.S) who said: Test our Shias with two characteristics. If these two characteristics do not exist in them, avoid them seriously. Imam Sadiq (A.S) was asked about these two characteristics, and he replied: ...
    • Iran Bids Mournful Goodbye to Selfless Firefighters
    • Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Iran’s capital city of Tehran on Monday to pay tribute to 16 firefighters who lost their lives while trying to extinguish a fire at the site of a high-rise collapse in downtown Tehran.
    • Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Chapter al-Qadr (Part 4)
    • When your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed I am going to set a vicegerent on the earth.’ (2:30). This issue needs to be discussed with more details separately, but for now it is important to mention that what is meant by ...
    • If Imam Khomeini did not exist...
    • Had the Islamic Revolution and our great Imam Khomeini not existed and if Islam had not been the driving force of the Revolution and the great change brought to this country, there would not have been any ...
    • Who are the People of Ali?
    • To really understand the stand – and one must say Resistance Movement which has arisen in rejection of Wahhabism, one must speak of the People of Ali, those men and women, Saudi Arabia’s clergy has long ...
    • What are the effects of megalomania?
    • Addressing Malik Ashtar, Imam Ali (A.S) wrote: Do not tell people I have been ordered, and I also order (you), so it must be obeyed. This type of megalomania, corrupts the heart, and withers away the religion, as well as ...
    • Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Chapter al-Qadr (Part 3)
    • Once someone asked Imam Sadiq (A.S) whether the night of Qadr has been only in the past [i.e. the age of the Prophet (PBUH)] or is there a night of Qadr every year? Imam (A.S) replied: ...
    • Funeral Held in Tehran for Martyred Firemen
    • A large crowd of people congregated at the Grand Musalla (prayer hall) of Tehran on Monday morning to attend the funeral of the firefighters martyred in a massive fire and subsequent collapse of a 17-story building in Tehran on January 19.
    • 'Great men of history never die'
    • Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was an influential Iranian politician since the 1979 Islamic Revolution enjoying a white track record in foreign policy and ...
    • Rafsanjani a symbol of unity for Iranians: Commentator
    • Chairman of Iran’s Expediency Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani passed away on Sunday at the age of 82 due to heart failure. Many Iranian and world figures have expressed condolences over the death of the iconic cleric. We have spoken to ...
    • 'Rafsanjani favored independence from West, East'
    • The passing of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, an iconic figure whose career spanned several decades on Iran's political scene, has once again prompted reviews of his policies while functioning in a range of positions. We asked ...
    • UN to probe Myanmar crackdown on Rohingya
    • The United Nations is conducting a probe into a harsh military crackdown on Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar following reports of rapes, killings, and torture against the minority group in the Buddhist-dominated country.
    • The Harmful effects of Pork on the Health of a person
    • The present age has realized that pork has many unimaginable dangerous effects. One who eats pork is affected in a dangerous way. It is also bad from the ethical point of view, which comes into existence with the Hormones, and also ...
    • Investing for the Hereafter
    • Zubaydah was the wife of Haroon al-Rasheed, the Abbasid Caliph and also a secret follower of Imam Musa ibn Ja’ffar Al-Kadhim (A.S). Being the wife of the caliph and by virtue of being a queen, she was the most important woman of her time.It is related ...
    • Beware of your thoughts and intentions
    • In Ayah 284 of Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah (SWT) said: “Whatever is in your minds/hearts, or whatever you say, Allah (SWT) called you to account for it.” Meaning that even ...
    • Arzhan and Parishan Protected Zone
    • The protected zone of Arzhan and Parishan is situated 60 kilometers west of Shiraz in the vicinity of an important road that connects Shiraz to the provinces of Khuzestan and Bushehr. Following the world conference on marshlands and ...
    • Salman Farsi, the Son of Islam (Part 3)
    • Salman was always going with our Master Muhammad [PBUH] to defend the Muslim Mission against the enemies. Salman took part in all Muslim battles: the Battle of Bani Quraidha, the Battle of Khaibar, the Conquest of ...
    • Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Chapter al-Qadr (Part 2)
    • It can be clearly understood from the verses of Surah al-Qadr 4 that there is a night every year which is better and more valuable than a thousand months5. On this night, the angels along with their ...
    • Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S) and Humbleness
    • Humbleness is an outstanding feature in the lives of Ahl-ul-Bayt. Ibn Masud reports: A person came to the presence of Allah’s Messenger and when he started to speak, he was ...
    • Who is Umm-ul-Baneen?
    • Umm-ul-Baneen is the glorious mother of al-’Abbas. Her name was Fatima, daughter of Hizam. Historians have referred to her name among names of eleven mothers each of whom were known for their glory, honor, and good reputation.(1) Her father too was ...
    • Prophetic advice: Take advantage of five matters in life
    • The dear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH and his progeny) advised Muslims to take advantage of five matters, each and every day.“Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your ..
    • Our Children and the Friends They Make
    • Unfortunately, many of us feel it is nearly impossible for our offspring to select the right kind of atmosphere in which they are able to freely and comfortably nurture their faith while living in the West. On the other hand, there are the parents who ...
    • Salman Farsi, the Son of Islam (Part 2)
    • The northern border of Medina was weak. Our Master Muhammad [PBUH] wanted the trench to be about five thousand meters long, nine meters wide, and seven meters deep.On the following day, the Muslims went out carrying their digging tools. To end the ...
    • Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Chapter al-Qadr (Part 1)
    • Chapter al-Qadr (97) of the Holy Qu’ran is a short chapter containing five verses in which Allah (swt) promises a night during which the angels descend with God’s command. In this paper, we will discuss some aspects of this blessed night and the ...
    • Imam Hussein (A.S) revived Islam and Islamic Ummah
    • It is narrated from Imam Hussein (A.S) who said: When the Islamic Ummah (nation) is struck with a ruler such as Yazid, must say farewell (goodbye) to Islam [1]. In a letter to some leaders in Basrah (a large city in Iraq), Imam Hussein (A.S) explained ..
    • Salman Farsi, the Son of Islam (Part 1)
    • It was before noon. Some Muslims sat in Prophet's Mosque waiting for Azan (call to prayer) to say noon prayer. Salman entered mosque and greeted his believing brothers. The Muslims wanted to know the Persian man's tribe. They mentioned their ...
    • I Walk for Hussein
    • I walk through the valleys and the shadows of the death that surrounds me, Entrenched in the smell of blood lingering in my soul, Searching for their stories repeatedly told and simultaneously ignored, And I walk ...