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  • Date :
  • 1/23/2011

 “A little with quiet is the only diet”


Have you forgotten what it feels like to be really hungry? Does it feel like you can eat and eat without feeling the urge to stop? Do your friends feel like you are bitten by the hungry bug? Has food become kind of an addiction to you? If all or most of the answers ring in a positive tune for you then you may be suffering from the problem of over eating. There may be hundred of reasons for overeating, which may range from stress and anxiety to overworking and even because of daily habits. Some people only overeat during holiday season but many of us do it on a regular basis. If you look around your desk, you may find many empty wrappers of potato chips, chocolates, French fries, and cans of sodas and many cups of coffee. When at home, you may find yourself opening refrigerator in order to take out something to eat and it may be just because of boredom. Overeating not only increases the weight but also creates many other problems.

Actually overeating itself is a kind of disorder in which a person goes on eating but never feels full.

You may or may not be suffering from this disorder, if you are overeating on a regular basis; you need to cut it down. Read on to know how not to over eat.

How to Avoid Over-eating

• Start your mission of not overeating from the first meal of the day. The healthier you eat the more full you would feel. Have a hearty breakfast with more proteins and fibers with fruits. The first meal of the day should be heavy and healthy.

• Take small servings on your plate. When you take small servings, you generally eat less as opposed to eating more when you have filled your plate with food. Eat in smaller plates, which will let you eat less.

• Don’t let yourself binge when you are getting bored. Put yourself into some creative work, which requires your full attention. The crave for the food will subside soon.

• Eat slowly. When you eat slowly you chew your food properly which makes you feel full faster and in fewer bites. Also never, eat in a standing position. Take a proper seat for eating.

• Don’t the urge to finish whatever is left on your plate. If you are full, stop eating. Eat with the motive to sustain life and not to fill your belly and you would eat less.

• Ignore the sound coming from you to eat more. Sometimes we tend to eat out of habit, which you need to break in order to eat less.

• Don’t value the size of the servings. Sometimes people eat according to the size of the meal and not calories.

drinking water

• Drink loads of water especially when you feel hungry. It will help in subsiding the hunger crave, which the body is signaling and you would eat less.

• Keep yourself energetic as when you energy is low you may want to binge on some food. If you feel tired have a portion of fruits instead of opting for a meal.

• Take soups and salads before dinner. It will help you curb the hunger and you would eat less.

• If you are, feeling stressed instead of reaching for a bar of chocolate, go out for a walk, or do something engaging.

• Never skip a meal. Have a timely meal however take small portions. Having regular meals makes your body feel secure and thus doesn’t crave for untimely hunger.

• Don’t eat in front of your television or while you are doing something. Give your full attention to your meal and you are sure to eat less.

• Sometimes when you are emotionally drained you tend to binge on food, in that case take out time and pamper yourself with some massage or just chilling out.

• If you are turning to food in case you feel overwhelmed by food then take a help of a counselor.

• You also need to develop a strong will power on order not to binge on food.

• Remember small eyes are watching you. This is geared towards parents, grandparents, teachers, uncles, aunts, neighbors, okay everybody. Kids are watching everything we do. If you want to help kids become healthier set an example using the above tips.

• Pamper yourself. Plan things you enjoy doing each day, even if you have a limited amount of time. When you’re well-nourished emotionally, you’ll be less likely to turn to food.

• If it is difficult for you to digest normal portions, remind yourself that it may be easier for you to eat smaller meals daily rather than three larger meals.




Other links:

The Importance of Eating Carrots

Loss weight with Food Diaries

The Correct Way of Eating Fruits

Five Reasons to Eat Hazelnuts

Pears is a Hypo-allergenic Fruit

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