• MPAC Unveils Bureau of Academic Freedom to Protect Students’ Rights and Pursuit of Justice

    MPAC proudly announces the launch of the Bureau of Academic Freedom. This initiative seeks to fortify the fundamental rights of American Muslim youth, empowering them as the vital voices of tomorrow. As the scrutiny of students who peacefully protest intensifies, we must address the violations of the First Amendment that are proliferating in the heart of our nation and beyond.

    Watch the full announcement now.
  • Assessing the Allegiances of Our Public Officials

    MPAC calls for the immediate revocation of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's invitation to address a joint session of the US Congress. If Congress fails to act, we call on the American people to voice their opposition to this invitation. We urge our elected officials to uphold their supposed commitment to democratic values and justice by abstaining from attending the address.

    Read the full statement
  • Candid Conversations with Candidates

    In our latest installment of Candid Conversations, MPAC President Salam Al-Marayati met with 2024 Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein to discuss the major issues facing the American Muslim community. Catch up on all our Candid Conversations now!

    Watch the full conversations here
  • We Need Your Help

    Do your part in supporting an end to the siege and protecting Palestinian human rights.

    Click here to Take Action

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American Muslims have been here since the beginning. From enslaved Africans brought here against their will to recent immigrants arriving to chase the American dream, our communities represent the most racially, ethnically, and economically diverse faith group in the entire country. Join us in our work to ensure our community is seen, heard, and understood from Washington to Hollywood.

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We are American Muslims with expertise in policy, advocacy, and media working to improve the perceptions of Muslims from Capitol Hill to Hollywood.

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