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Starting : 13 February 2024

Monthly Talk: On Writing a Historical-Critical Tafsīr

This talk will present ongoing work on a historical and literary commentary on Surahs 1-3, undertaken in the framework of the ERC-funded project Qur’anic Commentary: An Integrative Paradigm. Topics addressed will include the commentary’s basic hermeneutical commitments, its methodological toolkit, and its envisaged structure and layout.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Monthly Talk: The Development and Significance of Muslim Chaplaincy

In her talk professor Gilliat-Ray intends to share some of her research about the work of Muslim chaplains, both in the UK and overseas. She will explore the development of ‘Muslim Chaplaincy Studies’ as an emerging field of research and will pay particular attention to the significance of chaplaincy in enabling Muslim women to take up professional religious work.

Friday 17 May 2024

Monthly Talk: "The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church: In the World but not of the World."

In this plenary presentation, Dr Knowls will think through some of the challenges of researching a closed community: the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church.


Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies

The Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies (JSIS) is a refereed academic journal published quarterly by ICAS Press for The Islamic College. The journal conscientiously aims to provide a scholarly platform for critical and informed articles in all fields of Shi‘a studies, including Qur’an and hadith studies, theology, philosophy, mysticism, jurisprudence, politics, and history. Such articles will cover the most debate-worthy issues in the aforementioned fields in the hope of ultimately contributing to the resolution of various theoretical, methodological, and practical dilemmas encountered in Shi‘a Islamic studies. 

ICAS Press Recent Publications

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